As it gets closer to Christmas time, children think about Santa Claus and ask lots of questions about him. Parents are often unsure how to answer those questions, as they want to be truthful with their children and yet they want to preserve the fun that accompanies the tradition of Santa Claus. Understanding the history of Santa Claus and the knowledge that he was a real person who secretly gave gifts can help parents as they approach the upcoming Christmas season.

The history of Santa Claus begins with a real man named Saint Nicholas who was a Christian priest. He lived during the first century. He was a wealthy man who did not keep his riches to himself, but instead, shared them with others. He is famous for traveling to various cities and leaving money or gifts. Saint Nicholas did not want recognition for his generosity, so he would often wait until no one was watching before he would leave presents. Imprisoned during the reign of Diocletian, Saint Nicholas remained steadfast with his Christian beliefs. When he was released from prison, he resumed his gift giving practices.

He was highly honored by the Catholic Church throughout the centuries. As the years progressed, many fables were told about Saint Nicholas, and those fables included Saint Nicholas special care for children. The Dutch people pronounced Saint Nicholas as Sinter Klass, which is the origination of the history of Santa Claus.
When the Dutch settlers arrived in America in the 1700’s, they brought with them their tradition of honoring Santa Claus. From that point on, aspects of the legend were modified and enhanced to become what they are today. The kindness of gift giving as a Christmas tradition has lasted for centuries. As people embrace the history of Santa, the tradition is bound to continue for centuries to come.
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